For 70 days, the housemates compete for the grand prize by living their normal lives as neighbors while the world...
The pageant is part of a competition series with a mission to promote “pure authenticity, pure goodness, and pure...
Africa’s Next Super Model is Africa’s prestigious modeling competition reality tv show dedicated to scouting Africa’s finest talent in the...
When you think of beauty pageants, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? Probably not academia, social responsibility...
The world’s first artificial intelligence beauty pageant has been launched by The Fanvue World AI Creator Awards (WAICAs), with a...
Accra, Ghana, 2024, amidst roaring applause and an electrified audience, Charles Osei Kumi achieved a monumental milestone by being crowned...
Song of the Year is the ultimate prize for songwriters in the music industry, and it’s not to be fonciused...
If you want to be classy, forget about buying a Gucci bag or driving around a flashy sports car. What’s...
Introducing the Miss Vogue International pageant, an empowerment program for the female gender. Miss Vogue International is a young lady...
Washington, DC – Liberian/International leading brand Monsio Couture teams up with the biggest international fashion week style event based in...
Africa’s Next Super Model 2024 Set to Showcase Africa’s Finest Talent. Are you an aspiring model? Are you ready to...
Nigeria’s representative, Chidimma Vanessa Adetshina has been named Miss Universe Africa and Oceania at Miss Universe 2024. Adetshina finished second...