Health Benefits Of Uda Seeds You Should Know

If you are from the southern part of Nigeria and you are familiar with the popular pepper soup or ukodo (yam/plantain pepper soup dish), then you must have come across the uda seed.

uda seed

This spice is also common in other parts of Nigeria and in other African countries like Ethiopia, Cameroon, Senegal and Ghana. The Uda seed also referred to as Negro pepper is used to add flavor to foods especially pepper soup.

Apart from the rich flavour of uda seed, this spice has some amazing health benefits. Here are five health benefits of uda seed.

For persons looking to lose weight, Uda seed can be of great help. This is because this spice helps to boost metabolism, thereby helping to promote weight loss.

Uda seed is also beneficial if you are trying to treat inflammation such as swelling, boils, pain etc. This spice contains beta-caryophyllene which is anti-inflammatory and it is also helpful for persons with rheumatism and associated pains. Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, uda seed also promotes wound healing.

Uda seed has also been reported to have antimalarial properties and also relieve the symptoms of malaria. Frequent consumption of meals containing uda seed can also help in preventing malaria.

In addition to the above, uda seed is anti-hepatotoxic and also has anti-bacterial properties. This means uda seed can help relieve diseases such as common cold, bacterial pneumonia and other related respiratory diseases.

It is no wonder a good bowl of pepper soup prepared with uda seed can help with a blocked nose.

Uda seed can also help with toothaches. This is due to its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. There are some reports that say over the years, uda seed has been used as a mouthwash.

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