Why Are My Palms Itchy?

Itchy palms are often caused by common skin conditions, but they can also signal a more serious, underlying issue.

According to superstition, itchy left and right palms were thought to symbolize that a person is going to give away or receive some money.

However, there are some legitimate medical reasons why a person’s palms may start to itch.

In this article, we cover four possible reasons for itchy palms:

  • hand eczema
  • allergic reactions
  • Diabetes
  • reactions to medication

The article also discusses ways to relieve the itching sensation, and prevent it from returning.


Itching can be annoying regardless of where it occurs. It can be especially irritating on the hands, as this can interfere with daily tasks.

The following conditions are some of the more common causes of itchy palms.

1. Hand eczema

Itchy palms can be caused by a variety of conditions.

According to the National Eczema Association, an estimated 10 percent of people in the United States have hand eczema.

This non-contagious condition can cause itching palms, red skin, cracking, dryness, and sometimes blistering.

A subtype of hand eczema exists called dyshidrotic eczema, which causes a person to have small, itching blisters specifically on the hands and sometimes feet.

People most likely to have hand eczema include those who work in certain professions where hands are exposed to excessive moisture or harsh chemicals.

Professions at risk of hand eczema include:

  • catering
  • cleaning
  • hairdressing
  • healthcare
  • mechanic

Those with a family history of hand eczema are also at higher risk for the condition.

2. Allergic reactions

Sometimes itchy palms are the result of repeated exposure to an irritant or chemical that eventually results in an allergic reaction. This is called contact dermatitis.

Common allergens or irritants include:

  • metals, such as rings and other jewelry
  • perfumes
  • latex gloves
  • soaps
  • disinfectants
  • antiseptics or antibacterial substances
  • dust and soil
  • highly chlorinated water

It may take repeated exposure before the allergic reaction develops. This is because, after a few times, the body begins to release itch-causing histamines that irritate the skin.

3. Diabetes

When a person has diabetes, too-high blood sugar levels can cause dry skin that also feels itchy.

This itchy skin may appear with or without red or flesh colored bumps on the palms and other areas of the body.

Reactions to medication

Sometimes itchy palms can develop as a result of something that a person has ingested, rather than something their hands have been in contact with.

When a person has a mild allergic reaction to a new medication, the histamine reactions in the body can cause itching.

The palms, in particular, can be itchy in these cases because histamines tend to collect in higher numbers in the hands and the feet.

A person should speak to their doctor before stopping a prescription medication unless symptoms are severe.


Treatments will vary based on the underlying cause of itchy palms. Some recommended treatments include:

  1. Cool, damp cloth

Placing a cool, damp cloth onto the palms for 5 to 10 minutes can relieve the itching sensation. An ice pack may also be effective.

2. Tropical steroids.

Corticosteroids can reduce itching and redness on the palms during a flare-up. They can be bought over the counter or obtained by prescription.

Avoid using steroid creams too regularly as they can cause thinning of the skin.

3. Moisturize often

Moisturizing often can help reduce itching. Keeping the moisturizer
In the
efrigerator can make this treatment even more effective.

When itching is caused by eczema, moisturizing may be especially important after washing, or when the hands feel particularly dry.

The National Eczema Association list some recommended moisturizing products, sunscreens, and household cleaners on their website.

4. Ultraviolet light therapy

A person with hand eczema or severe irritation may respond to ultraviolet light therapies. Placing the hands under a special light that emits ultraviolet A rays may help to reduce symptoms.


person has a condition such as contact dermatitis or hand eczema, avoiding known triggers of the condition might help prevent a flare-up.

If the cause of the itching is not known, it may be worth doing a patch test before using any new lotions or creams on the hands. Apply the product to a small area of skin and leave it on overnight to make sure it does not cause a reaction.

Other steps that can prevent itchy palms include:

  • Avoiding gloves made of synthetic fabrics. Cotton gloves should be gentler on the skin.
  • Washing hands with lukewarm water. Avoid water that is too hot or cold.
  • Using fragrance-free soaps or cleansers to wash hands.
  • Applying a moisturizer immediately after drying the hands. Those with higher oil contents are more likely to lock in moisture.
  • Using a moisturizer recommended by the National Eczema Society.
  • Wearing protective gloves when doing chores or working with chemicals or detergents. A person can wear cotton gloves inside latex gloves to prevent irritation from the latex.
  • Avoiding gel based hand sanitizers as these often contain high concentrations of drying alcohol.

How Can I Stop the Itch?

In general, the answer hinges on what’s making your hands and feet itch.

Ointments, creams, and lotions can help when dry skin is to blame. If those don’t keep you from scratching, talk to your doctor to figure out what’s right for you.

An allergic reaction may need antihistamine or corticosteroids, whether over-the-counter or prescribed by your doctor. Some products treat scabies by killing the mites on your body. Skin conditions like psoriasis or eczema often require a more detailed treatment plan.

Whatever the cause, don’t just put up with the itch. You’re at a greater risk of infection if you scratch too much.

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