Zeynep “Z” Ekemen is CEO and Inventor of Silver Defender, which manufactures antimicrobial plastic film for high touch points.
One of my favorite quotes is “A different version of you exists in the minds of everyone who knows you.” Every person you have come across in your life has created a “version” of you in their head based on their experiences interacting with you. I believe you are not the same person to any two people in the world. There could be thousands and thousands of versions of you out there.
Perception and how you portray yourself to the world create a preliminary version of who you are to people who haven’t met you yet. Perception is especially relevant today, as we live in a world with social media. A professional can create a persona on the internet that is not close to who they really are, but if it is done well, they have created a version they want people to believe.
I fell into this trap recently. I had the pleasure of meeting a person I had been idolizing on the internet for a long time. This person shared powerful content that motivated an entrepreneur like myself. I would listen to every word and try to find ways to relate it to my business. I often thought, “If only I had worked a little bit harder to match this person’s hustle,” “If only I had put myself out there more with more social media content,” “If only I were as confident as this person,” and so on.
The reason I’m telling you about this experience is to tell you what actually happened when I finally met this person. The said “icon” had done their homework before our meeting and was impressed and fascinated with what I have done with my businesses. I was in awe. After our long dinner, I walked away with a sense of enlightenment. Here I was, nervous and anxious about meeting this person who I thought was better than me as far as what they have achieved in the business world. Yet, I walked away from this meeting believing in myself more than ever. My icon was actually impressed with me.
But to be clear: Entrepreneurs don’t need to rely on others to see how far they have come or believe in their own worth. That said, I’m sure there are still plenty of individuals out there who might be looking externally for acknowledgment. The experience I had with that person reminded me that what you need to make it and achieve your entrepreneurial dreams is already within you. As such, I encourage all entrepreneurs to keep a few best practices in mind:
• Stay consistent with your goals and strive to show up every single day as the best version of you.
• Choose wisely who you surround yourself with and how you spend your valuable time. The people you surround yourself with should be an extension of your goals and beliefs.
• Strive to have positive influences in your life. Build a support network of people who encourage your ideas, support your ambitions, believe in your goals and, more important than anything else, bring out the best in you.
• Network with people from whom you can learn. Remember, as the saying goes, “If you are the smartest person in the room, then you are in the wrong room.”
But at the end of the day, remember that no one competes with you because you compete with no one. You have what it takes to succeed, and your worth as an entrepreneur doesn’t need to depend on others’ opinions.
Forbes Business Council is the foremost growth and networking organization for business owners and leaders. Do I qualify?